
Creating And Installing LP 13
To adjust these files so that the Plesk GUI was displayed to users in a particular
language, translate all string parts containing messages (<message>), leaving
localization keys as they are.
Important: Do not translate any of the localization keys. Plesk uses localization keys
to link a particular GUI item with the corresponding message, so if you change a key
in an LP file, the original key will be displayed in Plesk instead of the corresponding
Translation Tips
For editing locale-defining PHP files, we recommend using a text editor which supports
highlighting syntax. Using such editors not only makes the translating more comfortable
than when using those displaying just plain text, but also, what's more important, helps
you detect the file corruption if you change the array syntax.
Note: Use editor that supports editing texts in UTF-8.
There is a number of recommendations that might be useful when translating these
files, specifically, concerning PHP array syntax, message variables, HTML entities, and
special characters.
Important: Do not change the files encoding: It must be UTF-8. Otherwise, the
messages you've translated may be displayed incorrectly.
Array syntax
# It is important that commas at the end of each string were left where they are.
Otherwise, the PHP array will be corrupt and, when using such language pack, Plesk
GUI will display pure localization keys instead of the correct messages.
# What else can corrupt the array is mistakes in using quotes. To avoid such mistakes,
follow the rules below.
1. If a message text does not contain any quotes, enclose the text with either single or
double quotes.
2. If a message text contains at least one single quote or apostrophe:
precede each quote with backslash:
'b_add_ip_for_clients' => 'Add IP address to client\'s pools.',
enclose the message with double quotes:
'b_add_ip_for_clients' => "Add IP address to client's pools.",