
Creating And Installing LP 19
5 Change the names of LP files containing the locale name.
For our example with Dutch LP (nl-NL), the following changes should be done:
messages_en-US.php --> messages_nl-NL.php
conhelp_en-US.php --> conhelp_nl-NL.php
6 Make std/ your current directory and run the make_lp_dist utility.
Usage: make_lp_dist.sh <major-version.minor-version> <locale>
Running the utility results in creating in the std/ directory an installable language
pack with the name in format plesk_locale_<major-version.minor-
version>_build<YYMMDD.HH>_<locale>_install.sh, where
build<YYMMDD.HH> indicates the timestamp for the LP creation.
For our example with Dutch LP for Plesk 8.1.1, the command compiling the LP is
# ./make_lp_dist.sh 8.2 nl-NL
and the resulting Dutch LP gets the name
Installing LP
To install an LP to Plesk:
1 Upload the LP self-installing file to the server with Plesk (the upload
directory is not important).
2 Run the file.
For example,
# ./plesk_locale_8.1_build070206.14_nl-NL_install.sh
After you receive from the system the message about successful installing of the LP,
the LP you created and installed can be used in Plesk, it appears automatically in the
list of installed language packs (Server > Interface Management > Locales) and becomes
available for choosing in all Interface Preferences forms, and on the Plesk login screen.