347 Operation mode number
Unit: None
Indicates the operation mode number during or after operation.
348 Multi-channel communication status
Unit: None
Indicates that the multi-channel communication status has been set.
0: Single channel communication status
1: multi-channel communication status
349 Multi-channel communication slave code
Unit: None
Indicates the slave station (self-station) code in multi-channel communication.
354 Maximum motor pulse velocity
Unit: pulse/sec
Displays the maximum velocity defined for the motor/driver.
355 Monitor resolution
Unit: pulse/rev, pulse/m
Displays the monitor resolution.
356 Digital velocity sensitivity
Unit: digit/rps, digit/mps
Displays the digital velocity sensitivity.
357 Maximum velocity
Unit: Axis command unit/sec
This parameter is defined by the smaller value of the maximum velocity [axis command unit/sec] set by the user and the
maximum velocity [axis command unit/sec] converted from the maximum velocity [rps, mps] set by the motor and
driver. The position command velocity is restricted by this value. In addition, for trapezoidal (constant
acceleration/deceleration) move, the inclination of acceleration/deceleration is calculated from the
acceleration/deceleration time parameter, feed velocity parameter in operation mode, and this parameter value.
358 Z-phase signal pulse interval
Unit: pulse/rev, pulse/m
Displays the Z-phase signal pulse interval.
360 Load ratio
Unit: x 1/100
Displays the load inertia/self-inertia and load mass/self-mass.