
5.6 Other Functions
5.6.1 Settling Wait, Position Settling Status, and Positioning Status
Position settling status refers to the status where the position deviation (pulse coordinates) is within the
specified range in the pulse coordinate system. The specified range is set with the #58 Position settling pulse
width 1, #45 Position settling pulse width 2, #46 Position settling pulse width 3, and #47 Position settling
pulse width 4 parameters in pulse units, which are selected by the controller interface input signal
IN_POSW[1..0]. The selected value is then displayed in the #377 Position settling width monitor. The #322
Pulse position deviation monitor is used for the position deviation to be evaluated. The position settling status
is set when the absolute value of position deviation becomes shorter than the position settling width for the
duration set with the #61 Position settling signal chattering processing count parameter. The check cycle is
2 msec. If chattering occurs in a “COIN” due to an overshoot during position settling, depending on the load
status, the settling condition can be obtained without fail by increasing the chattering processing count. The
position settling status is displayed in the #328 Position settling status monitor. It is also displayed with the
“COIN” LED on the front panel: it turns on to indicate the position settling status. Furthermore, it is output to the
“COIN” of the CN3 analog monitor interface by a digital signal.
Positioning status is the status where an acceleration/deceleration command for a move is completed and in
position settling status. The positioning settling status is displayed in the #329 Positioning status monitor.
Settling wait is a function invoked to keep on waiting until the positioning status is reached at the end of a move.
Settling wait can be made in two ways depending on the operation: never perform settling wait or always
perform settling wait.
Never perform Jog move, test operation, auto-tuning operation
Always perform Homing move
[Related parameters]
#58 Positioning settling width 1
#45 Positioning settling width 2
#46 Positioning settling width 3
#47 Positioning settling width 4
#61 Position setting signal chattering processing count
#203 Using position current value filter