Exposur e M et er /
Meteri ng Range
TTL multi (16)-segment metering, Metering range from EV 1 to
EV 21.5 at ISO 200, with 50 mm f/1.4 lens, Center-weighted and
Spot meter ing m ode can be set
EV Compensation
±2.0 EV (Select able betwe en 1/2 EV and 1/3 EV fo r Exposure
setting steps)
AE Lock
Button type (timer type default: 20 sec. or continuous as long as
the shutte r button is halfway pres sed)
Built-in Flash
P-TTL built-in flash with serial control, GN 15.6 (ISO 200/m),
Angles of coverage: 18 mm lens angle of view, Flash
synchronization speed range at 1/180 sec. and slower, Daylight-
sync flash, Slow-speed-sync flash, ISO range = P-TTL: 200 to 3200
Ext e rnal Flash Sync
Hot shoe with X-contact, which couples with Pentax dedicated auto flashes,
ISO range = P-TTL: 200-3200, Automatic flash, Red-eye reduction flash
function, High-speed-sync, wireless-sync with PENTAX dedicated flash.
Custom Function 18 functions c an be set
Time Function World Time settings for 70 cities (28 time zones)
Two CR-V3 , four AA l ithium, AA Ni -MH rechargeable, or AA
alkaline ba t teries
Battery Exhaustion
Batte r y exhausti on symb ol
is lit. (The shutter is locked and
no indica tion appear s in the view finder when
starts blinking)
In/Out Port
USB/Video terminal (USB 2.0 (high speed compatible)), DC
input terminal, Cabl e swi t ch t er m i nal
Video Output Format NTSC/PAL
Compatibl e printer P i ctB r i dge-com patible printer
Print mode Print One, Print All, DPOF AUTOPRINT
Dimensions and
129.5 mm (W) × 92.5 mm (H) × 70 mm (D)
560 g ( body only wi thout batter i es)
Hot shoe cover F
K, Eyecup FO, ME viewfinder cap, Body mount
cover, USB Cable I-USB17, Video cable I-VC28, Software (CD-
ROM) S-SW53, Strap O-ST5 3, Fou r AA alkaline ba tteries,
Operating manual (this book) and PENTAX PHOTO Browser 3/
PEN TAX PHOTO Laborat ory 3 op erat i ng man ual
Engl is h, French, G erm an, Spanish, Ita lian, Swed i sh, D ut ch,
Russian, Korean, Chinese (Traditional / Simplified) and Japanese
Specifications for Remote Control F (Optional)
Remote Control
Infrared remote control unit, captured about three seconds after
remote control shut te r bu t to n is pressed o r im m edi at e c apt ur e
on pressing the button, operating distance = within approx. 5 m
in front of the cam era.
Power One lithium battery (CR1620)
Dimens i ons 22 mm (W) × 53 mm (H) × 6. 5 m m (D)
Weigh t 7 g (inc l udi ng battery)