Getting Started
Precautions When Using the SD Memory Card
• The SD Memory Card is equipped with a
write-protect switch. Setting the switch to
LOCK protects the existing data by
prohibiti ng recording of new data, deleti on
of existing data or formatting of the card.
• Care should be taken w he n rem ov in g th e SD Me mo ry C a rd im m edi ate ly a fter
using the camera because the card may be hot.
• Do not remove the SD Memory Card or turn th e camera o ff while data is be ing
saved to th e c ard, i ma ges are bei ng pl ay ed b ac k, o r t he cam era is c onn ec ted
to a computer with the USB cable. This may cause the data to be lost or the
card to be damaged.
• Do not bend the SD Memory Card or subjec t it to viole nt impa ct. Keep it away
from water and store away from high temperatures.
Do not remove the SD Memory Card during formatting. The card may be
damaged beyo nd use.
• Data on the SD Me mory Car d ma y be delete d in the followin g c irc ums ta nce s.
PENTAX does not accept any liability for data that is deleted if
(1) the SD Memory Card is mishandled by the user.
(2) the SD Memory Card is exposed to static electricity or electrical
(3) the card has not been used for a long time.
(4) the card is ejected or the battery is removed while the data on the card is
being recorded or accessed.
• The SD Memory C ard h as a l imited s ervice l ife. If it is not u sed fo r a lon g tim e,
the data on the card may become unreadable. Be sure to regularly make a
backup of important data on a computer.
• Avoid using or storing the ca rd w h ere it ma y be expos ed to stati c electri city or
electrical interference.
• Avoid using or s toring the card in direct sunligh t or whe re it may be exp osed to
rapid changes in temperature or to condensation.
• For informatio n on co mpatib le SD M emory Card , visi t the PEN TAX websi te or
contact your nearest PENTAX customer service center.
• Format new SD Memory Cards. Also format SD Memory Card used with other
cameras. 1Formatting the SD Memory Card (p.165)
• If you are going t o discard, g ive away or sell your SD me mory card you s hould
ensure that the data on the card is completely deleted or the card itself is
destroye d if it c ontain s any p ersona l or se nsitiv e info rmatio n. Ple ase note t hat
formatting th e SD ca rd w i ll no t necess ari ly de let e th e data s o t hat it ca nno t be
recovered using off the shelf data recovery software. There are off the shelf
secure data deletion software programs available that will completely delete
the data. In any case the data on your SD memory card should be managed at
your own risk.