Voice encouragement: Make voice recordings
that can be played as encouragements during
workout. Such praise and push voices can
be yours, your friends’, or your partners’
(e.g. a surprising praise during workout).
From Home screen, go to
> [Move] >
[Personal encouragements]. In [Record
encouragement], select [Praise] or [Push].
Record voices as praise or push.
Music during workout
During workout, you can play music or radio as
accompaniment; or play tempo-based music.
Use TempoMusic
With [TempoMusic], you can have music in
the library automatically selected and played
to your pace.
Set TempoMusic during rst-time setup
TempoMusic comes from two steps: With
the supplied PC software Philips Songbird,
you have your PC music library analyzed and
transferred (entirely or in part) to Activa;
on Activa, you select TempoMusic to have
music automatically selected and played to
your pace.
During the rst-time setup, the whole music
library on the PC is scanned; Songs are
automatically sorted by tempo, type, and
other categories. The scanning process takes
time, depending on the library size. Next time
you launch Philips Songbird, the scanning
starts automatically for updates.
On Activa, go to
> [Move]:
Voice reports
During workout, voice reports can play
automatically or when you press the
BOOST button.
By default, you can automatically get the voice
reports on the calories burnt and distance
covered, when reaching 25%, 50%, 75%,
90% and 100% of the goal or time.
To set what the voice report tells,
1 From Home screen, go to > [Move] >
[Audio feedback].
2 Select one or more items that you want
the voice report to cover/not to cover:
[Praise/Push]: Help you get back to the
regular pace when your current pace is
too fast or slow compared to the regular
available)/[Time]/[Compare with
previous exercise]: Remind you of the
progress during workout.
3 Press to turn on/off the item.
To set when the voice report plays,
From Home screen, go to •
[Move] > [Feedback frequency] .
Select an option: [No automatic
feedback], [On milestons].
Trainer voice
To change the trainer voice in voice •
reports, go to
> [Move] >
[Preferred trainer voice].