User Manual Page 23 Available commands
In this tree, you can choose among command that can be inserted into the script. Command can be inserted
in the script list either by using [Add] button, by dragging and dropping or using context menu.
o Tuning
Tune Tunes the specified frequency.
Station # Tunes stored station identified either by its name or number.
Station up Selects station with the nearest higher number than current station.
Station down Selects station with the nearest lower number than current station.
Last station Tunes to the previous frequency (for example if you listened to
station # 7, then switched to # 3, then this command will tune # 7 again.
Channel surf Each station is tuned for several seconds. You can interrupt ‘surfing’
by pressing the [Channel surf] button.
o Volumes
Mute Mutes the sound.
Unmute Unmutes the sound.
Set volume Sets mute/checked state and volume for audio card source.
Volume up Increases the volume (in 10% steps for line-in source or in defined
steps when internal volume control is selected).
Volume down Decreases the volume (in 10% steps for line-in source or in defined
steps when internal volume control is selected).
o Recording
Record Starts recording using ‘standard’ PCM compression.
Record using codecs Starts recording using compression based on selected
o Other
Wait Pauses the script for the specified time (i.e. the next command will
be executed after the time passes).
Beep Beeps using internal PC speaker.
Minimize Minimizes RX Radiator window.
Thin window Shows RX Radiator window in thin mode.
Normal window Shows full RX Radiator window.
Run external program Executes specified executable program.
Send message Obsolete, for backward compatibility only.
Close RX Radiator Closes RX Radiator. Can only be the latest command in the
script list.
Shutdown Windows Shutdowns Windows. Can only be the latest command in the
script list.
4.2.8 Script
Here the final script is shown. The script is processed in order in which the command are shown here. You
can modify the commands sequence either by dragging and dropping them or by using a context menu.
- Add Adds selected command from Available command list into Script list.
- Remove Removes selected command from Script list. Properties area
Some script command are to be defined, their properties are shown after selecting them in Script list.
o Tune Specify a frequency in MHz.
o Station # Choose station identified either by its name or number