User Manual Page 35
Appendix 2: Using command line utility for remote controlling RX
If you have RX Radiator running and want to control it for example from another application, from batch file
and so on, you can do that by utilizing small application rc.exe (22 kB).
It is placed in the following folder [RX Radiator base path]\Add-ons\Command line\rc.exe (for example
D:\Program Files\RX Radiator\Add-ons\Command line\rc.exe).
List of parameters
Parameters are separated by spaces: rc command1 command 2
Example: rc fr8970 x vu (tune frequency 89.70 MHz, maximize RX Radiator and set volume one step
fr tune frequency (fr10685 for 106.85 MHz)
finetuneup, fu fine tune up
finetunedown, fd fine tune down
tuneup, tu coarse tune up
tunedown, td coarse tune down
scanup, scu scan up
scanup, scd scan down
no station number (no11 for switching to station No. 11)
statup, su station up
statdown, sd station down
last, l last station
surf, f station surfing
muteunmute, mu toggle mute/unmute
mute, m mute sound
unmute, u unmute sound
volup, vu volume up
voldown, vd volume down
monostereo, ms toggle mono/stereo
stereo, st stereo
mono, mo mono