Frequently asked questions
This chapter lists the questions most frequently asked about the Philips
Microlux hearing enhancer. If you can’t nd the answer to your question,
please contact your audiologist.
Question Answer
Why doesn’t
the Microlux
enhancer work?
The battery may be empty. Replace the battery (see
chapter ‘Replacing the battery’).
The Microlux may not be on. Switch on the Microlux
by setting the on/off switch to the ‘on’ position (see
chapter ‘Preparing for use’).
The sound output and/or microphone opening may
be blocked. Check if they are and, if so, ask your
audiologist to clean them.
Dirt and/or moisture may have collected between
the customised sleeve and the hearing capsule.
Remove the hearing capsule from the customised
sleeve and clean both parts (see chapter ‘Cleaning’).
How can I
adjust the
sound of the
You cannot adjust the sound yourself. Consult your
audiologist if you have any complaints about the