Congratulations on purchasing your new Philips Microlux. Due to its
patented construction it is the most invisible hearing enhancer on the
market. The Microlux is not only completely invisible when you wear it,
but it also produces a much better sound. This is thanks to your own
auricle which, after all, works as a reector. Half of the amplifying effect of
your ear can be attributed to the auricle. You owe the other half to the
cavity just in front of the entrance to the auditory canal. With the Philips
Microlux, this cavity is not lled up, as is still the case with today’s in-the-
ear hearing aids. Consequently the (directional) quality of the sound is
retained and you hear your own voice without resonance.
The irksome squeaking and whistling you hear when, for example, you
make a telephone call or move your lower jaw (talking, chewing) are
things of the past; you have far less trouble with wind in your ears and
you can participate in sports. Greater amplication is possible as the
Microlux is positioned deeper in the ear and earwax is no longer a
problem because of the characteristic construction of the Microlux. The
Microlux does not cause interference to mobile telephones or vice versa.
The Philips Microlux will give you many years of uninterrupted pleasure!
General description (Fig. 1)
Hearing capsule
A Pull tab
B Microphone opening
C Programming output
D On/off switch
E Battery
Customized sleeve
F Pull tab
G Sleeve edge
H Left/right identication dot
I Sound output