
Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding
EN 17L06.1E 5.
Table 5-3 NVM default values
When aligning a TV set, it is convenient to start with the
default settings, and then to change them, if necessary, to
customized values.
If you suspect a defective TV set is programmed with the
wrong settings or options, try to restore the set to its default
settings or set the options to their virgin mode (the latter
can also be done via the NVM Editor in the SAM menu, see
chapter 8 and the table Option codes).
If the remote control of a TV set is defective of missing, and
you can not enter the CSM or SAM menu, it is always
possible to return the TV to its virgin mode by
simultaneously pressing the Volume+ and Volume- keys
on the Top Control/Side I/O panel of the TV set.
Address (dec)
EW (EW Width) 19 15 1A 21 26
PW (EW Parabola Width) 20 19 19 25 25
HS (Horizontal Shift) 21 20 20 32 32
HP (Horizontal Parallelogram) 22 07 07 07 07
HB (Horizontal Bow) 23 07 07 07 07
UCP (EW Upper Corner Parabola) 24 20 20 32 32
LCP (EW Lower Corner Parabola) 25 20 20 32 32
TC (EW Trapezium) 26 1D 1D 29 29
VS (Vertical Slope) 27 27 27 39 39
VA (Vertical Amplitude) 28 20 20 32 32
SC (S-Correction) 29 15 15 21 21
VSH (Vertical Shift) 30 20 20 32 32
VX (Vertical Zoom) 31 19 19 25 25
VSL (Vertical Scroll) 32 20 20 32 32
HOP EW EHT Compensation 33 20 20 32 32
BLOR (Black Level Offset - Red) 34 08 08 08 08
BLOG (Black Level Offset - Green) 35 08 08 08 08
AGC (AGC Takeover) 36 0E0E1414
OIF (IF-PLL Offset) 37 20 20 32 32
AGC10 38 01010101
H60 (60 Hz Horizontal Shift) 39 00 00 00 00
60 Hz Vertical Amplitude 42 04 04 04 04
YD & CL 43 04 07 04 07
RGB Brightness 46 28 28 40 40
NVM_TABLE_VERSION 60 64 64 100 100
TXT Brightness 64 14 14 20 20
V60 offset (60Hz Vertical Amplitude) 66 04 04 04 04
CRYSTALALIGN 208 00 00 00 00
VIDEO PP 264 23 23 35 35
Last Colour 265 36 36 54 54
Last Contrast 266 64 64 100 100
Last Sharpness 267 05 05 05 05
Last Hue 268 32 32 50 50
Last Colour Temp 269 00 00 00 00
White-D Cool Red 294 00 00 00 00
White-D Cool Green 295 00 00 00 00
White-D Cool Blue 296 04 04 04 04
White-D Normal Red 297 25 25 37 37
White-D Normal Green 298 20 20 32 32
White-D Normal Blue 299 28 28 40 40
White-D Warm Red 300 08 08 08 08
White-D Warm Green 301 00 00 00 00
White-D Warm Blue 302 ED ED 237 237
Audio Last Smart 342 03 03 03 03
Last Volume 343 23 23 35 35
Last Balance 344 0A 0A 10 10
Last Treble 345 00 00 00 00
Last Bass 346 00 00 00 00