Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data Sheets
EN 67L06.1E 9.
IF-TER IF signal from main tuner
IIC Inter IC bus (also called I2C)
Interlaced Scan mode where two fields are used
to form one frame. Each field contains
half the number of the total amount of
lines. The fields are written in "pairs",
causing line flicker.
IO In/Out
IR Infra Red
IROM Internal ROM (inside the
IRQ Interrupt ReQuest
ITV Institutional TV
JTAG Joint Test Action Group; Definition for
a standardised serial test interface
KEYB Front panel keyboard
KEYBOARD Input line. Carries the voltage value of
the corresponding tact switch on TOP-
control or FRONT-control keypad
L Left audio channel
L/L’ Monochrome TV system. Sound
carrier distance is 6.5 MHz. L' is Band
I, L is all bands except for Band I
Last Status The settings last chosen by the
customer and read and stored in RAM
or in the NVM. They are called at start-
up of the set to configure it according
to the customer's preferences
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
L-CL_VLOUT REAR CINCH stereo output
LED Light Emitting Diode
LFE Low Frequency Enhancement audio
L-FRONT-IN EXT3 stereo input
LIGHT-SENSOR Ambient light intensity signal.
LINE DRIVE Horizontal (line) deflection drive signal
(for the Line transistor)
LNA Low Noise Adapter / Low Noise
LOT Line Output Transformer (also called
FBT); The transformer in which the
EHT is generated
LS Loud Speaker
Ls, Rs Left surround and Right surround
channel (audio)
LSP Large Signal Panel
Lt, Rt Left total and Right total in case of a
Dolby ProLogic encoded signal
LTI Luminance Transient Improvement
LTP Luminance Transient Processor
LUT Look Up Table
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signalling,
data transmission system for high
speed and low EMI communication.
M/N Monochrome TV system. Sound
carrier distance is 4.5 MHz. M= 525
lines @ 60 Hz, N= 625 lines @ 50 Hz
Mb/s / Mbps Mega bits per second
MCS Multi Channel Sound: refers to Dolby
Pro Logic Surround in ES1E ADOC
MDO Mode control data output
MIPS Microprocessor without Interlocked
Pipeline-Stages; A RISC-based
Mips Million instructions per second
MMI Multi Media Interface
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field
Effect Transistor
MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group
MPIF Multi Platform InterFace (Part of Salsa
chipset, sister-chip of ADOC IC)
MPIP Multi Picture in Picture; Commercial
feature showing several frozen or
moving pips
MPX MultiPleX
MSP Multi-standard Sound Processor: ITT
sound decoder
NAFTA North American Free Trade
Association: Trade agreement
between Canada, USA and Mexico
NC Not Connected
NDF No vertical Deflection; Vertical fly back
NHF No Horizontal deflection; Horizontal fly
back protection
NICAM Near Instantaneously Companded
Audio Multiplexing; This is a digital
sound system, mainly used in Europe
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient,
non-linear resistor (resistance
decreases if temperature increases)
NTSC National Television Standard
Committee. Colour system used
mainly in North America and Japan.
Colour carrier NTSC M/N = 3.579545
MHz, NTSC 4.43 = 4.433619 MHz
(this is a VCR norm, it is not
transmitted off-air)
NVM Non Volatile Memory; IC containing
data such as alignment values, preset
O/C Open Circuit
OB Option Byte
OC Open Circuit
ON/OFF LED On/Off control signal for the LED
ON/STBY On/Standby
ON-OFF-LED Active-LOW control line. Logic LOW =
red LED "on", HIGH = red LED "off"
OP Option Byte
OSD On Screen Display
P50 Project 50; Communication protocol
between TV and peripherals
PAL Phase Alternating Line; Colour system
mainly used in West Europe (colour
carrier= 4.433619 MHz) and South
America (colour carrier PAL M=
3.575612 MHz and PAL N= 3.582056
PC Personal Computer
PCB Printed Circuit Board (or PWB)
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PILOT Pilot Signal
PIG Picture In Graphic
PIP Picture In Picture
PLL Phase Locked Loop; Used for e.g.
FST tuning systems. The customer
can directly provide the desired
POR Power On Reset; Signal to reset the
POR-FLASH Signal that informs the micro controller
(painter) that set will switch "off"
Progressive Scan Scan mode where all scan lines are
displayed in one frame at the same
time, creating a double vertical
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient, non
linear resistor (resistance increases if
temperature increases)
PTP Picture Tube Panel
PWB Printed Wiring Board (also called PCB
or CBA)
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
QSS Quasi Split Sound
R Right audio channel / Red