2. Setting up the monitor
2.4-5 Android system settings
Click the icon
in the central Android Home screen.
Main Menu Sub Menu Item Description
Wi-Fi Scan and Advanced
Ethernet Ethernet conīguration
More Set up VPN
DEVICE Sound Set the volume level.
Display Set the wallpaper, sleep timer, and font size for the
SMART All-in-One.
Storage Display the storage information.
Apps Manage the Apps installed.
PERSONAL Location access Access to my location and LOCATION SOURCES.
Security Disable and set the safety security function.
Language & input Select and set the language option.
Backup & reset Recover to the factory default settings.
ACCOUNTS Add account ADD an account (Corporate/Email/Google).
SYSTEM Date & time Set up the system date and time.
Developer options The internet data is used after clicking the option
About Display the information for the SMART All-in-One.