
Product Overview Plasmon D875 - D2175 User Manual
Page 14 Document Revision E
Major Hardware Components
The following figures show the locations of major library hardware components. A brief description of
these components appears after each figure.
Figure 2. D875 - D2175 Library, Front View
Front Access Door
The front door provides access to the magazine slots and import/export port (I/E port), drive modules,
power supplies, main power switch, SCSI connections, and circuit boards.
Front Panel Display
The keypad and display which provide the user interface to the system. It is used to display tests,
modes, error codes, and other user related messages.
Magazine Access Door
The magazine access door opens on the magazine slots.
Magazine Slots
There are five magazine slots behind the magazine access door. Each magazine slot holds one
magazine containing up to ten pieces of media. These slots are used to bulk load the library. They can
also be used as removable storage.
Magazine Slots for
Bulk Loading
(top five slots)
Drive Modules (6X)
(two drives per
I/E Port
Power Supplies
(three supplies
maximum, located
behind the panel)
Front Panel Display
Front Access Door
Main Power Switch
and AC Connector
Magazine Access