Menu System Plasmon D875 - D2175 User Manual
Page 46 Document Revision E
3 Error Information Allows viewing only of library error information.
1 Error Log
To view a chronological list of last ten errors since log was last cleared.
2 Error Statistics
To view a list of the ten most frequent errors since list was last cleared.
3 Event History
To view the SCSI command event history since it was last reset. Only SCSI
commands which affect library operations are recorded.
4 Micro-Op Stack
To view a list of operations performed for the last failing SCSI command.
These micro operations include position, position and flip, pick, store, load,
and unload. The list includes forward and backward operations (media
movement, and undo and retry for attempted failure recovery). This log is
cleared whenever the system is initialized.
4 Network Interface Not Used.
Menu Selection Description