6 quick double buzz
7 long single buzz
The SOUNDL and
SOUNDP were originally implemented to allow users to implement custom passcode
systems that require users calling in via phone to enter a passcode before entering the conference.
The sound commands could be used to provide feedback to the caller as well as the conference.
Example Description Status Message
Play "ascending thirds" sound (same as entry tone) locally.
8.145. SOUNDP -- Play Sound to Phone
This command can be used to play sounds from the telephone interface to serve as audio cues. The
SOUNDP command plays sounds out to the phone output. The
SOUNDL command plays sounds
through the input from the telephone interface (so they will be heard locally). The same sound
generator is also used for playing entry and exit tones for the auto answer and auto hangup features.
This command takes a single argument that indicates the sound to be played. The following table lists
the sound numbers and a description of the generated sound.
Sound Number Sound Description
0 ascending thirds
1 descending thirds
2 ascending chorus
3 descending chorus
4 ascending doorbell
5 descending doorbell
6 quick double buzz
7 long single buzz
SOUNDL and SOUNDP were originally implemented to allow users to implement custom passcode
systems that require users calling in via phone to enter a passcode before entering the conference.
The sound commands could be used to provide feedback to the caller as well as the conference.
Example Description Status Message
Play "descending thirds" sound (same as exit tone) to phone
8.146. SSDELAY -- Set Delay Between Screen Saver