This command is used to define the conditions under which a given logic output pin goes into the
active state. By default the logic output pins are active high. Active high is the default because it
would light an LED connected to the output when the output was in the active state. The polarity of
the logic output pins can be changed with the
LOP command.
The syntax of this command allows one to use one of the boolean channel commands to determine
the state of the logic output pin. The commands that are valid for use with LOA are
AMNOMAT, CGATE, GATE, MUTEO, MUTEI, NC, MIC, and PHANTOM. Each command must be specified
using the wildcard character, *, for the channel number.
Each character in the array string is compared to the status of the channels in the Vortex. A 1 or a 0
in the string means that the status for the corresponding channel must match that character for the
condition to be true. A period character, ., in the string is a don't care, meaning that the condition will
be true no matter what the status for that channel is. A + or - character works as an OR function,
with + corresponding to a 1 in the channel status and - corresponding to a 0. If any + or - characters
are in the string, at least one channel's status must match for the condition to be true.
Consider the following example. In this example, we also use the
LOD command, which is just like the
LOA command except that it sets the condition for the logic output to be in the deactivated state.
Normally, you must set both the LOA and
LOD commands in order to make use of a logic output pin.
In our example, we issue the following commands:
These two commands set the conditions for activation and deactivation of logic output 10. Under
these conditions, logic output 10 will be activated if:
● (input 1 is muted) AND
● (input A is muted OR input B is unmuted)
Logic output 10 will be deactivated if:
● input 1 is unmuted OR
● input A is unmuted
An error condition of ERROR#074 will be generated if the assigned command is invalid.
This command is saved to global non-volatile memory and is not part of a preset. Its value is saved
each time it is changed. It will retain its value after power-down. Since this command writes to non-
volatile memory, there will be a delay before an acknowledgment is returned.
Example Description Status Message