Chapter 8: Device Management
2. Click Remove. The selected profiles appear in the Available list.
These profiles are no longer available for a KVM target server
connected to this port.
To apply a profile selection to multiple ports:
1. In the Apply Selected Profiles to Other Ports section, select the
Apply checkbox for each KVM port you want to apply the current set
of selected USB profiles to.
To select all KVM ports, click Select All.
To deselect all KVM ports, click Deselect All.
Configuring KSX II Local Port Settings
From the Local Port Settings page, you can customize many settings for
the KSX II Local Console including keyboard, hot keys, video switching
delay, power save mode, local user interface resolution settings, and
local user authentication. Further, you can change a USB profile from the
local port.
To configure the local port settings:
Note: Some changes you make to the settings on the Local Port Settings
page will restart the browser you are working in. If a browser restart will
occur when a setting is changed, it is noted in the steps provider here.
1. Choose Device Settings > Local Port Settings. The Local Port
Settings page opens.
2. Select the checkbox next to the Enable Standard Local Port to
enable it. Deselect the checkbox to disable it. By default, the
standard local port is enabled but can be disabled as needed. The
browser will be restarted when this change is made.
3. Choose the appropriate keyboard type from among the options in the
drop-down list. The browser will be restarted when this change is
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