
Appendix D: FAQs
Unlike KX I, the Noise Filter parameter does not generally have a large
role in reducing bandwidth or improving performance.
How much bandwidth does KX II use for common tasks?
Bandwidth primarily depends on the user's task and actions. The more
the server's video screen changes, the more bandwidth is utilized.
The table below summarizes some standard use cases using the KX II's
default bandwidth settings and with two reduced bandwidth settings
(Connection Speed setting of 1Mbit with 15 and 8 bit color) on a
Windows XP target server (1024x768 resolution) over a 100 Mbit/s LAN:
User task
1Mbit speed
& 15 bit
1Mbit speed
& 8 bit color
Idle Windows Desktop
0 KB/s
0 KB/s
0 KB/s
Move mouse cursor
5 - 15 KB/s
2 - 6 KB/s
2 - 3 KB/s
Drag icon
40 - 70 KB/s
10-25 KB/s
5 - 15 KB/s
Drag folder
10 - 40 KB/s
5 - 20 KB/s
5 - 10 KB/s
Open text window
50 - 100 KB/s
25 - 50 KB/s
10 - 15 KB/s
Continuous typing
1 KB/s
.5 - 1 KB/s
.2 - .5 KB/s
Scroll text window
10 - 50 KB/s
5 -25 KB/s
2 - 10 KB/s
Close text window
50 - 100 KB/s
20 - 40 KB/s
10 - 15 KB/s
Open panel
50 - 100 KB/s
60 - 70 KB/s
20 - 30 KB/s
Change tab in panel
40 - 50 KB/s
20 - 50 KB/s
10 - 20 KB/s
Close panel
50 - 100 KB/s
40 - 60 KB/s
20 - 30 KB/s
Change panel option
2 - 10 KB/s
1 - 5 KB/s
1- 3 KB/s
Open browser page
100 - 300 KB/s
50 - 200 KB/s
40 - 80 KB/s
Scroll browser
75 - 200 KB/s
50 - 200 KB/s
30 - 100 KB/s
Close browser
100 - 150 KB/s
75 - 100 KB/s
30 - 60KB/s
Open Start menu
75 - 100 KB/s
50 -75 KB/s
20 - 30 KB/s
Close Start menu
75 - 100 KB/s
25 - 50 KB/s
10 - 15 KB/s
Starfield screen saver
25 - 50 KB/s
10 - 15 KB/s
7 - 10 KB/s
3D pipes screen saver
10 - 100 KB/s
5 - 20 KB/s
2 - 10 KB/s
Windows media video
500 - 1200
300 - 500
150 - 300
QuickTime video #1
700 - 2500
400 - 500
150 - 350