
CC-SG 5.1.0 Release Notes Doc. #
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Security and Compliance Information
Refer to the CC-SG Administrators Guide ‘Appendix B: CC-SG and Network
Configuration’ for specific settings.
Updated Product Documentation
Updated documents available with this release include:
CC-SG 5.1.0 Upgrade Readme File
Compatibility Matrix
Administrators Guide
Users Guide
Quick Setup Guide
General Notes
1. If using Windows XP or Vista, CC-SG supports the 64 bit OS. However, if
using a Java plug-in, only the 32 bit plug-in is supported. See
ml for Java support information. (17855)
2. For optimal operations, disable the pop-up blocker in your browser.
3. Virtualization: During the first connection to a virtual machine, you may
be asked to download an add-on from VMware. Once the add-on is
installed, please restart your browser.
4. If you are using Firefox on Windows, you must add the IP address of the
CC-SG to the Allowed Sites for Add-ons list and the Allowed Sites for
Pop-ups list in the browser before connecting to a VMW Viewer interface.
5. Cluster rebuilds: When selecting a rebuild time, please be aware of
possible differences in time zones between units.
6. During the CC-SG boot-up sequence, should the following message be
displayed, it can be safely ignored (seen on the local KVM console port
Memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) notwithin permissible
7. During boot-up, a normal delay of up to two minutes may occur after
seeing the following message (local KVM console port only):
Red Hat nash version starting