
CC-SG 5.1.0 Release Notes Doc. #
255-80-0005-00 Page 8 of 9
Limitations and Restrictions
1. Supported JRE versions for this release include 1.6.0_10 thru 1.6.0_20.
2. The “Bookmark Node” feature is not supported when using Internet
Explorer version 8 (IE8). (20053, 20237)
3. The "Exit" option in the MPC client’s "Connection" menu does not function
when running on Linux. Use the X in the corner of the window as an
alternative. This issue has been seen when using the following:
Fedora Core 6: JRE 1.6.0_13; Firefox 3.0.10
Fedora Core 7: Firefox, JRE 1.5.0_13 and JRE
Red Hat Enterprise - Release 5.2: Firefox 3.0.10, JRE 1.6.0_07
and JRE 1.6.0_13
4. CC-SG is not supported for use with Firefox 3.0.11. Versions 3.0.13,
3.0.14, 3.5.x and 3.6.x are supported. FF 3.5.x and 3.6.x are
5. RSA Remote Console cannot be launched from CC-SG when using JRE
1.6.0_10 and higher. Downgrade to 1.6.0_07. This is a SUN issue, and
when fixed will no longer be a restriction in CC-SG. (19651)
6. IE6 does not support AES-256 encryption and XP with IE6/IE7 does not
support AES-256 encryption.
7. If enabling AES 256, ensure that the jurisdiction files are installed on the
client. Otherwise, you will be locked out of the CommandCenter.
8. When using a Linux client, the Virtualization topology view cannot be
9. WMware Viewer and Firefox version 3.6.x are not compatible.
10.CC-SG cannot manage or access ESXi virtual nodes that use a free-trial
license. (31078)
11. Firefox users of the Access Client are prompted to download a file named
140.JNLP each time a port connection is made. Select the "Do this
automatically for files like this from now on" checkbox, so that Firefox can
automatically download the file for future connections. (31893)
12.When choosing a server on which to run the Flexera License Server and
Raritan vendor daemon, please note the following:
Raritan’s testing has shown the following processor/OS
combinations to be favorable:
o Intel Pentium 4 with Windows XP