Chapter 5: Setting Up the System Defaults 5-7
When Help is set to ON, a prompt appears when selecting a soft key or menu
choice, and when using the context-sensitive cursor. The help message is
cleared when an action is selected.
Soft Keys
When theSoft Keys optionis setto ON,the defaultsoft keysare displayedif no
other operation is in progress.
When the Soft Keys option is set to OFF, the default soft keys are only
displayed when a soft key is pressed, and they disappear if no operation is
performed for 10 seconds.
Key Beep
This option controls whether or not the keys make a noisewhen you press them.
MOB Data
This option controls whether MOB data is based on position data, or on dead
reckoning (DR). Dead reckoning normally provides a better indication of the
course to an object in the water, on the assumption that your vessel and the
object are both subject to the same tide and wind effects.
Autopilot Pop Up
Thisoption controls whetheror not theautopilotpop upisdisplayed.When set
to ON, if the status and locked heading of the autopilot changes, they are
displayed in a pop up box. The box is removed from the display after two
When Autopilot Pop Up is set to OFF, the pop up box is disabled.
Menu Timeout Period
With no timeout set, menus and soft key labels remain displayed until you
clear them by pressing ENTER, CLEAR or the appropriate dedicated key.
If youseta valuehere, the menusandsoft keylabels willbe clearedif akey has
not been pressed for the specified number of seconds.
This setting does notaffect the defaultsoft key labels, which are controlled by
the Soft Keys option (see above).
You can set the units for speed, depth and temperature. The units you set will
be used to display all data, including information received from other
instruments on the system.