3-28 SL520/530/631 PLUS Chartplotter Displays
Editing a Route
Adding Waypoints at the End of the Route
➤ To add waypoints at the end of the route:
1. Press the ROUTE soft key, followed by the EDIT ROUTE soft key.
The Make Route soft keys are displayed and the cursor is connected to the
last-placed waypoint with a dotted line. You can add further waypoints to
the route in the same way as for a new route.
2. Either:
i. Move the cursor to the required location, and press PLACE WAYPOINT
soft key.
If you place the waypoint in the wrong position, press the UNDO WAY-
POINT soft key.
ii. Press USE WPT LIST,theMAKE ROUTE pop-up is displayed.
Select a waypoint from the Waypoint List then press the INSERT WAY-
POINT soft key to place the waypoint at the end of the Route.
3. Placeas manywaypoints asrequired,and press theACCEPT ROUTE soft key,
the default soft keys are displayed.
Note: You can UNDO waypoints in the original route, not just the new ones.
Removing a Waypoint from the Route
➤ To remove a waypoint from the current route:
1. Move the cursor over the required waypoint until the letters WPT are dis-
played. The waypoint soft keys are displayed.
2. Press the REMOVE WAYPOINT soft key. The waypoint is removed from the
route and the route is re-numbered.
Alternatively, you can remove the last waypoint from a route by pressing the
UNDO WAYPOINT soft key, as described above inAdding Waypoints at the End
of the Route on page 3-28.
If the route has not been saved and the waypoint was placed as part of the
route, the waypoint is erased.
If the route has been saved, or the waypoint existed before you created the
route, the waypoint remains on the screen.
Reversing the Route
➤ To reverse the route, so you can Follow the route back:
1. Either press the ROUTE soft key followed by MORE,
or move the cursor over the required waypoint until the letters RTE are dis-
The route soft keys are displayed.
2. Press the REVERSE ROUTE soft key. The current route is reversed on the