2. Alternatively, press the MENU button, and select the AIS Layer
Setup menu.
3. Press the VIEW BUDDY LIST softkey.
The AIS Buddy List dialog is displayed.
4. Press the EDIT VESSEL DETAILS softkey.
The Edit Buddy Vessel dialog is displayed.
5. In the MMSI eld, edit the MMSI number (nine digits) if required.
6. (Optionally) In the NAME eld, edit the existing name, or enter a
new name. This could be the name of the vessel, or the name of
the friend who owns the vessel, for example.
7. Press the OK button.
Deleting a buddy
1. In the chart or radar application, use the trackpad to move the
cursor over an AIS target.
The softkeys change to reect this and give you Buddy-related
2. Alternatively, press the MENU button, and select the AIS Layer
Setup menu.
3. Press the VIEW BUDDY LIST softkey.
The AIS Buddy List dialog is displayed.
4. Using the trackpad, highlight the Buddy that you want to delete.
5. Press the DELETE VESSEL softkey.
A dialog is displayed, asking you to conrm the deletion.
6. Select YES to conrm that you wish to delete the buddy, or NO
to abort.
7. Press the OK button.
Displaying additional buddy information
In the chart or radar application:
1. Using the trackpad, move the cursor over an AIS target.
The softkeys change to reect this and give you Buddy-related
2. Press the BUDDY DATA AUTO ON OFF softkey.
3. Select theON option.
The Buddy’s details are displayed.
4. Press the OK button.
C-Series Widescreen user reference