
102 ST4000+ Wheel & Tiller Autopilots: Owners Handbook
7 Customizing the ST4000+
7.1 User setup
User setup allows you to calibrate and align the autopilot compass,
select the type of bar graph shown on the ST4000+ display, and
control the information shown on the data pages.
The flowchart on the following page explains how to access User
setup, scroll through the setup displays, adjust the values and quit:
you can only access User setup from Standby mode
if you see the
CAL LOCK screen instead of the initial page, you need
to turn off the calibration lock in Dealer setup (see page 108)
the ST4000+ saves any new settings when you quit User setup
The rest of this section explains the settings on each screen.
Compass deviation correction (SWING COMPASS)
This screen allows you to correct the compass for deviating magnetic
fields. You must perform this procedure as the first item in your initial
sea trial (see page 91 for full details).
Deviation display (DEVIATION)
This screen shows the current deviation value, calculated from the
compass deviation correction procedure (see page 91 for full details).
You cannot edit this value.
Heading alignment (ALIGN HDG)
This screen allows you to align the autopilot compass with the boats
steer your boat onto a known heading
adjust the displayed heading using the
-1, +1, -10 and +10 keys
check the autopilot display on various headings and adjust as
necessary (see page 95)
Heading mode (HDG MAG/TRU)
This screen allows you to select either magnetic or true heading
mode. When the display shows heading data in normal operation, it
indicates whether you have selected true or magnetic mode.