
106 ST4000+ Wheel & Tiller Autopilots: Owners Handbook
7 Customizing the ST4000+
7.2 Dealer setup
Dealer setup allows you to customize the autopilot to your boat.
However, the factory default settings will provide safe performance
for the initial sea trial, and fine tuning is not normally required.
The flowchart on the next page explains how to enter Dealer setup,
scroll through the setup displays, adjust the values and quit:
you can only access Dealer setup from Standby mode
the ST4000+ saves any new settings when you quit Dealer setup
The rest of this section explains each of the Dealer setup screens.
The following table lists the settings you can adjust. If you change any
of the settings, record them in this table.
Feature Options/Range Default setting New setting
Calibration lock ON or OFF OFF
Pilot type 4000 WHL or
4000 TILL
wheel: 4000 WHL
tiller: 4000 TILL
Rudder gain 1 to 9 5
Response 1 (AutoSeastate on) or
2 (AutoSeastate off)
Turn limit 5° to 40° 40°
Rudder alignment -7 to +7 0
Rudder limit 15 to 40 tiller 15
wheel 30
Off course alarm 15° to 40° 20°
AutoTack angle 40° to 125° 100°
AutoTrim OFF, 1 to 4 3
Drive type 1 (mechanical drives)
2 (hydraulic drives)
Variation -30° to +30° 0°
AutoAdapt N, S, OFF OFF
Latitude 0° to 80° 0°
Rudder damping 1 to 9 1
Cruise speed 4 to 60 6