Boiler Status
Operating status of boiler *Boiler
Ok or Fault Indicator Pushing "+" or "-" buttons will show
status of other boiler(s) in system
OK - boiler operation normal
FAULT indications: MAX TEMP - Target exceeds Max Temp -Not a fault-
THERMOSTAT - Operating aquastat - Not a fault -
LWCO - low water cutoff - when supplied
LO PRES WTR - Low pressure water - when supplied
LO PRES GAS - Low pressure gas - when supplied
HIGH PRES GAS -High pressure gas
FLOW SWITCH - Flow switch
MANUAL OVERRIDE - Boiler in emergency or manual operation
• When a fault is indicated, the red light, to the right of the display, flashes and the alarm
buzzer sounds. The light continues to flash after alarm is silenced and until the fault is
• When fault is corrected display will read "OK"
• Should communication between the system control module and the boiler monitor
module(s) be disrupted, the display will show "BOILER NOT ON-LINE".
• To display status of other boilers press the (+) or (–) buttons on multiple boiler installations.
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ST AT US: Bo i l e r #X
-- OK --