Lead # of Bo i l e rs
Enter desired valve firing increments. Recommended setting is between 5% and 20% for
Modulating Boiler.
Enter 1S If Gas Valve is an On-Off or Single Stage
Enter 2S
If Gas Valve is 2 Stage Firing
Enter 20%
If the control boilers include modulating and 2 stage or single stage boilers under
control of a single system control module.
Enter desired outdoor cutoff temperature, usually 70°F, depending on geographical loca-
When outdoor temperature exceeds desired setting, target temperature will show "O/C".
Note: Boiler will restart when outdoor temperature drops below O/CF Tep - O/C db.
Enter desired outdoor cutoff dead band, which is the number of degrees below O/C where
O/C resets, usually 1F.
*C Band
Enter desired Control Band, determines when boiler will fire below target temperature and
shut off above target temperature, usually 1°F.
NOTE: The above settings are recommended at initial installation. For maximum
performance and system efficiency these settings should be modified, as required, to meet
such parameters as system capacity, location and usage.
NOTE: Contact factory for recommended settings if this is a special application ie. Heat
pump applications.
Lead Boiler Select
*Indicates boiler designated as "Lead". *Indicates number of boilers being used.
Used when there are multiple boilers. Set number (#) of boilers to match actual installation.
Readout lists lead boiler. To change lead boiler PRESS [+] or [–] button until desired boiler
is displayed. In the event of a fault in the designated lead boiler the next boiler, numerically,
becomes the lead boiler.
Boiler being monitored is displayed. If multiple boilers, push [+] or [–] to select the desired
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