Auxiliary Delay:
Screen number
Auxiliary Delay
When CFH signal is "ON" the relay contact of the A1 Auxiliary module stays closed. When the CFH signal
changes to "OFF", the contacts of the relay stay closed as long as the delay is set up.
The AUX contacts operate on a delay after CFH.
AUX turnoff range is 0 to 600 seconds. The default value is 180 seconds.
INSTALLERS NOTE: If the end user requires the "System Pump" to be turned off if the "CFH" or "Safety" signal
is removed, it is recommended that the system pump be operated from the "Aux 1 Relay", to provide a delay on
turn off.
NOTE: If the "Call-for-Heat" (CFH) or "Safety"
signal is removed from the Y-200, the pump delay
will time out and open the auxiliary contact.
BO I L R/ ST G ON DL Y 1 4
Screen number
Boiler/Stage ON Delay:
NOTE: Refer to screen number 16 (standard)
Boiler Turn-On Delay
In a multiple boiler system: The boiler Turn-On Delay
sets the amount of delay before each additional boiler
is turned on in response to a call for heat. This delay
starts when the preceding boiler is turned on.
The Boiler Turn-On Delay range is from 0 to 600 sec-
onds. Recommended Initial Setting for Boiler Turn-On
Delay is 30 seconds.
Factory default is 30 seconds.
Stage Turn-On Delay
The Stage Turn-On Delay sets the time delay before a
new stage in a multi-stage boiler configuration is
turned on. This delay starts when the stage or boiler
preceding the next stage is turned on.
The Stage Turn-On Delay range is from 0 to 600 sec-
Recommended Initial setting stage for Turn-On Delay
is 10 seconds.
Factory default is 10 seconds.