78 LDK 8000 HDTV camera system User’s Guide (v3.0)
Chapter 6 - Menu structure and contents
6.2 Menu contents
The number (0,1, 2 or 3) in the LEVEL column indicates the user level at which this item is
visible in the menu; items with numbers higher than the user level that is set on the camera
are not visible in the menu. For example, if user level 2 is set, items marked with a 3 are not
• If an item is not relevant it is not visible in the menu.
• The Scene in the FILE column indicates that the value of this item is stored in the Scene
file; the Op. indicates that the value of this item is stored in the Operator file.
• In the VALUES column, the default value of the item is shown in bold.
The items available in the camera menu depend on the version of the software loaded in your
camera. The software version used to reproduce the menu items in this manual may differ
from that of your camera.
6.2.1 VF menu
VF menu (user 0) Value(s) Description Level File
VF Monitoring Y, R, G, B, -G, R-G, B-G Selects type of signal to view in viewfinder. User 2 Oper
VF detail User 0
VF detail Off, On, Boost Turns detail for viewfinder signal on or off.
Set to Boost to add extra detail to the
viewfinder signal.
User 0 Oper
Level 0..99 (50) Sets detail level for viewfinder signal. User 0 Oper
Focus assist Off, On Adds a crawling effect in the focused areas
in the viewfinder to assist focussing.
User 0 Oper
Zebra User 0
Zebra Off, On Turns zebra indication on or off. Zebra is
a diagonal line pattern that indicates that the
area affected has risen above a
predetermined level of the full scale video
exposure value.
User 0 Oper
Zebra Mode Level, Band Selects zebra mode:
Level = zebra indication appears in
areas are brighter than the set level;
Band = zebra indication appears in a
2.5% band around the set level.
User 3 Oper
Zebra Level (%) 0..117 (90) Sets the exposure level at which zebra
indication is shown. When level is higher
than 100% the zebra indicates overexposed
User 3 Oper
Zebra Contrast 0..99 (15) Sets the zebra indication contrast. User 3 Oper
Center Cross Off, On Turns the centre marker on or off. User 0 Oper
QoS bar Off, On Turns Quality of Service bar on or off (only
available when Wireless adapter is used).
User 0 -