LDK 8000 HDTV camera system User’s Guide (v3.0) 81
Chapter 6 - Menu structure and contents
6.2.3 Video menu
Video menu (user 2) Value(s) Description Level File
Colour temp User 2
Colour Filter 0..99 (50) This electronic colour filter varies the colour
balance to obtain warmer or colder effects
for the auto-white memory positions. It
resets to 50 when the next automatic white
balance process is carried out.
User 2 -
Col. Temp Level 2000..21000 (3200) Shows current variable colour temperature. User 2 Scene
Detail User 2
Detail Off, On Turns detail enhancement on or off. Serv 1 Scene
Level 0..99 (30) Sets detail enhancement level. User 2 Scene
Source Select R+G, R, G, Y Selects the source to be used for detail
User 3 Scene
Vert Detail 0..99 (50) Sets the level of the vertical component in
the detail signal.
User 3 Scene
Coarse/Fine 0..99 (5) Sets the coarseness of the detail
enhancement (0 = very fine).
User 3 Scene
Level 0..99 (30) Sets detail enhancement level. Serv 1 Scene
Level dep 0..99 (40) Sets dependency level for the noise
Serv 1 Scene
Noise Slicer 0..99 (10) Sets the level of the noise slicer. Serv 1 Scene
Soft Detail User 2
Soft Detail Off, On Turns soft detail on or off. This function
reduces the amount of detail added for
large transitions.
User 2 Scene
Level 0..99 (70) Sets the upper limit level of detail
enhancement for soft detail.
User 2 Scene
Knee Detail Off, 1, 2, 3, 4 Selects a level of detail enhancement for
the compressed signal above the knee.
User 3 Scene
Skin User 2
Skin Off, 1, 2, 1+2 Turns skin detail off or on and selects the
memory position. Use skin detail to change
the detail level within a selected colour
User 2 Scene
Auto Skin Off, On Turns auto skin detail mode on or off. User 2 -
View Off, On Select on to view the selected area. User 2 Oper
Skin Level 0..99 (50) Sets skin detail level User 2 Scene
Width1 Red 0..99 (50) Sets width level for skin gate 1 (red) User 3 Scene
Width1 Blue 0..99 (50) Sets width level for skin gate 1 (blue) User 3 Scene
Color1 Red 0..99 (50) Sets color level for skin gate 1 (red) User 3 Scene
Color1 Blue 0..99 (50) Sets color level for skin gate 1 (blue) User 3 Scene