Internal pad settings
• When playing the SPD-20’s pads, how to ...
Adjust the Seneitivity of the pads ..............................30, 43
Adjust the volume of each pad.........................................23
Change the decay ...............................................................23
Change the depth of the effect applied to the sound
of each pad......................................................................25
Change the Instrument triggered by a pad ....................22
Change the Pan setting ......................................................23
Change the pitch.................................................................23
Change the
way playing dynamics affects volume
...24, 47
Force the internal tone Phrase Loop to stop using
the pads...........................................................................22
Play two Instruments simultaneously.............................17
Prevent improper triggering of the pads ........................31
• When playing an external MIDI sound module, how to ...
Adjust pad sensitivity........................................................64
Change sounds using Program Change messages........65
Change the length of time that the note is sounded......63
Change the MIDI channel .................................................61
Change the Note Number .................................................62
Change the way playing dynamics affects volume.......64
Use the SPD-20 as a pad controller to play only
external sound................................................................61
Use the pads to transmit Program Changes to
external devices..............................................................65
Use the pads to start and stop a sequencer.....................61
Use the pads to alternately transmit Note On and
Note Off ..........................................................................63
• When using the SPD-20 as a MIDI sound module, how to ...
Make more sounds available from an external controller
Set each Instrument’s note number .................................62
Set the receive channel.......................................................67
Use a Sequencer to record/playback...............................72
External pad settings
Adjust the sensitivity of an external pad ........................43
Adjusting the Trigger Signal Detection Time.................51
Prevent double triggering of an external pad ................52
Prevent improper triggering of an external pad............48
Use external pads ...............................................................35
Set minimum levels for external pads.............................44
Set the Trigger Type for external pads ............................45
Set the Dynamics Curve for external pads .....................47
Set Rim Sensitivity on the PD-120....................................53
Patch editing
Copy Patch settings to another Patch..............................32
Set all pads to the same parameter value........................27
While playing
Adjust the overall volume of the SPD-20........................13
Get half-open sounds with connected FD-7 ...................54
Select Patches ......................................................................14
Select Patches in a preset order (Patch Chain) ...............33
Select Patches using footswitches ....................................15
Select Patches using Program Change messages...........65
Use choke playing technique with connected PD-7......39
dual bass drum tequniques with connected KD-7s
Use rim shot with connected PD-7, PD-9, PD-120.........39
Use a footswitch to hold a sound of an external
sound module ................................................................41
Use footswitches to select Patches ...................................15
Use a footswitch in place of the kick pedal.....................38
Use a footswitch in place of the hi-hat control pedal....40
Hi-Hat Control Pedal
Adjust the hi-hat volume with the pedal........................55
Control the hi-hat with the pedal.....................................54
Control the Effect Send level, pitch, etc., with the pedal
Transmit Control Changes to external devices with
the pedal..........................................................................56
Adjust the effect depth for each Instrument assigned
to the pad ........................................................................25
Adjust the overall effect depth for a Patch .....................28
Change the effect type .......................................................28
Control the effect send by using a hi-hat control pedal
Taking advantage of the on-board effects.......................79
Adjust the overall volume.................................................13
Attach the SPD-20’s tom stand and cymbal stand.........10
Create a custom drum kit..................................................36
Create a custom percussion set.........................................35
Read MIDI Implementation Chart...................................60
Read the parameter list......................................................94
Read this manual..................................................................5
Receive Patch data stored in a sequencer .......................76
Reset all parameters to the factory settings ....................11
Reset one patch to the factory settings ............................32
Transmit Patch data as an Exclusive message................75
Turn the power off .............................................................13
Turn the power on..............................................................12
Use the cord hook.................................................................8
Move Patch data from the SPD-11 to the SPD-20 ..........77
How-To Index