
Selecting and Adjusting Sounds (Sound Parameters)
The parameters in the SOUND group (the sound parameters) allow you to modify the sound assigned
to each pad.
The SOUND group contains 7 parameters: INST, LEVEL, PITCH, DECAY, PAN, CURVE and FX SEND.
Sound parameter settings for each pad are stored in each Patch.
Selecting a Sound (INST)
Each sound assigned to a pad is called an Instrument. The SPD-20 contains 700 such Instruments, and
the Instrument assign settings determine which sounds will be played. The 700 Instruments are
grouped into the following categories.
b01 b50 Bass Drum
S01 S86 Snare Drum
t01 t40 Tom-tom
h01 h33 Hi-Hat Cymbal
H01 H17 Hi-Hat Cymbal for pedal control
C01 C36 Crash/Ride Cymbal
L01 L78 Latin Percussion (Cuban, Brazilian)
i01 i33 Indian Percussion
F01 F37 African/Middle Eastern/Australian/Other Percussion
J01 J51 Japanese/Korean/Chinese/Southeast Asian Percussion
o01 o24 Orchestral Percussion
M01 M59 Melodic Percussion/Melodic Instrument
A01 A16 Analog Percussion (CR-78, TR-808, etc.)
d01 d43 Dance Sounds
E01 E46 Artificial Sound Effects
n01 n31 Natural Sounds, Human Voice
r01 r20 Ambience, Reversed Sounds
Mut Forces Phrase Loop Instrument to stop (MUTE). No sound
oFF No sound
The Hi-Hat Cymbals for pedal control “instruments H01–H17” can be used effectively only when a
Hi-Hat controller (FD-7; separately sold) is used (p. 54).
If the Instrument assign setting for any Pad is set to “oFF”, there will be no sound when you strike
that Pad.
If you make the Hold Pedal settings (p. 41), then with some of the sounds, you can use the footswitch
to sustain the sound. For the instruments that can be lengthened with the footswitch, refer to p. 88.
When an Instrument is selected, by pressing PATCH/VALUE [+] while holding down [-] (or vice
versa), you can jump to the next Instrument group.
About Phrase Loop
Some Instruments are designed as Phrase Loops (p. 88).
When you select a Phrase Loop, you dont just hear single notes; instead, a short phrase typical of
that musical genre is played. You cannot play more than one Phrase Loop on different pads. You
can layer two Phrase Loops on one pad and play them simultaneously. To force a Phrase Loop to
stop sounding, select Mut and strike the pad. No sound is heard from a pad that has been set for