Product Description
Russound Ratio® High-Effi ciency Loudspeakers are
designed to provide high acoustic output with low
amplifi er power. This makes them perfectly suited for
use with low- powered amplifi ed keypads and amplifi ed
volume controls.
Low-mass driver materials and state-of-the-art engi-
neering allow these speakers to produce higher sound
pressure levels than conventional speakers without
sacrifi cing sound quality.
When ordinary speakers are used with low-powered
amplifi ed keypads, they have limited output. This is
because the speakers are designed to handle higher
power levels from other types of amplifi ers. Because of
their high effi ciency, Ratio speakers play more loudly
than conventional speakers when used with amplifi ed
Ratio speakers are designed to reduce installation time.
All models incorporate an innovative spring-clip mount-
ing feature that makes them easier to install. Also, the
ceiling speakers have preinstalled grilles. These features
allow the installer to simply connect the speaker cables
and press the speakers into the ceiling for a quick
Ratio speakers are for use only with amplifi ed
keypads and volume controls or amplifi ers
with a power output of up to 20 watts per
channel. Do not use Ratio speakers with
receivers or amplifi ers rated at more than 20
watts per channel.
Spring clip
5/8” (1.6 cm) ceiling
Mounting ringBoss for seismic restraint screw
1/2” (1.3 cm) ceiling 3/4” (1.9 cm) ceiling
Bosses opposite the spring clips on ceiling speakers can be used to attach seismic restraints.
Spacers on the spring clips are factory set for a 5/8” (1.6 cm) ceiling or wall thickness.
The spring clip spacers can be inverted to accommodate a ceiling or wall thickness of 1/2” (1.3 cm)
or removed for a 3/4” (1.9 cm) ceiling or wall, or when rough-in brackets are used.