Wall speakers
Note: The spring clip spacers are set at
the factory for a wall thickness of 5/8
inch (1.6 cm). For a 1/2 inch (1.3 cm)
wall, turn the spacers over so the thicker
side faces the wall. Remove the spacers
from the clips for a 3/4 inch (1.9 cm)
wall, or when using rough-in brackets.
1. If you haven’t already removed the
grille for painting, gently pull it off
along with the scrim cloth.
2. On the back of the speaker, fl ip the
spring clips so they point straight
back. Also make sure the dog-leg
clamps are swiveled inward.
3. Make sure there is no obstruction
around the edge of the cutout to keep
the spring clips from fl ipping forward.
4. Center the back of the speaker in the
cutout and push it straight in until the
spring clips fl ip forward. Push only on
the frame, not on the drivers.
Note: If the cutout is too large, one or
both spring clips might not fl ip forward.
Make sure both clips grab the wallboard
before you release the speaker.
5. Level the speaker. Turn the clamp
screws clockwise until the clamps are
drawn up snugly, securing the speaker.
Tighten the screws equally but don’t overtighten them.
6. Insert the scrim cloth into the grille and press it into place on the speaker, using even pressure around the edge.
Connecting the Amplifi ed Keypad or Amplifi er
1. Make sure the keypad or amplifi er is turned off.
2. Strip 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) off the end of each cable’s outer jacket. Then strip just enough insulation off
each wire to allow inserting the wires fully into the keypad’s or amplifi er’s speaker terminals.
3. Twist the wire strands together so there are no strands separated from the bundle.
4. Connect the wires to the speaker terminals, being sure to observe proper polarity.
5. Check to make sure there are no stray strands of wire outside the terminals. If there are, remove the wire, twist
the strands together, and reconnect the wire to the terminal.
Taking Care of Your Speakers
Your speakers are made of durable materials that need very little care. All we recommend is an occasional dusting
with a soft cloth or light vacuuming with a dust brush attachment. If you vacuum the speakers, leave the grilles in
place to avoid damaging the drivers. Do not use any harsh detergents, chemical solvents, or abrasive materials on
your speakers.
Dog-leg clamp
Spring clip
Wall studs
Wall speaker installation