Network configuration
Click Network on the main menu. The following setting page is displayed.
The IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS (Domain Name Server)
and monitor name are set up on this Setting sub menu.
The IP address and Subnet Mask have been configured already in chapter "Installation".
If you want to change them or configure default gateway or DNS, perform them in this
page. If you change them, the network unit begins restarting and it takes about 20 sec-
onds. Close (Quit) the web browser and access to the login page again in 20 seconds.
*1 Set [] if the network does not provide the gateway (router).
*2 Set [] if you do not use the function E-mail alert.
*3 If you use the DNS server, register the host name registered to the DNS server as a monitor name.
You can access with this monitor name from any computers in your network. If you do not use
the DNS server, access with the assigned IP address to the monitor.
* All the network setting will reset to the default when setting [] of the IP Address.
Network configuration
Item Description
IP address .............
Sets IP address of the monitor
Subnet mask .......
Sets Subnet mask. Normally sets
Default gateway*
.....Sets IP address of the default gateway (Router)
....................... Sets IP address of the DNS server. Must be set
when using the e-mail function
Monitor name
... Sets name of the monitor. (64 characters maxi-
You must use the number specified by your administrator. The
address must be entered as a group with four numbers split by a
dot like [].