Letter attribute setting
The font attribute setting window appears when clicking " :Attribute" button on the
standard tool bar with the letter frame tool selected, or clicking Letter attribute button
on the letter input dialog window described the above.
Predefined 16 col-
ors are available.
Sets type face, style, size and
effects of the font
Drawing letter
1 Click " :Letter frame" button on the form
tool bar.
2 Select a color of text with color tool bar.
3 Drag a mouse pointer on the screen image to
specify the area of the letter frame. The letter
input dialog window will appear.
4 Enter the letter onto the window.
To change the letter attribute, click Letter
attribute button. See item "letter attribute
setting" below.
5 Click OK button to fix the content. The
entered letter appears on the captured image.
If the entered letter overflows the area of letter frame, the letter frame is automatically extended
Up to 1000 characters can be used for a letter frame.
How to use the Network Communication
Sets translucent