How to Set the Door Alarm.
You don't have to set the visual
alarm° As long as either door is
open, the red DOOR OPEN
signal Lightflashes,
If the signal bight on the
DOOR ALARM pad is glowing, I! DOOR_M 1
the beeper alarm is set. If it's not, ON/OFF
touch the pad to turniton,
If either door is open far more than
30 seconds, a recurring beep sounds
The light goes out and the beeping stops when you close
the door,
There are times when you'll want the Door Alarm
beeper turned off. When you're rearranging a lot of
food, for example_ Just touch the pad, The light will go
out and the beeping will stop°
Deactivating the Door Alarm beeper does not turn the
red DOOR OPEN light off-it keeps flashing until the
door is closed
Why the Red Warm
Temperature Light Glows.
At first, it's probably because
your newly installed refrigerator
hasn't completely cooled down
yet, Wait a few hours Foritto cool,
and then the light will go out
From then on, the red light will glow whenever
temperatures inside get too high for proper food storage
If this happens, open the doors only when absolutely
necessary, and dose them as quickly as possible
As soon as inside temperatures return to normal, the light
goes out
If the WARM TEMP light reappears and stays on for
longer than 4 hours, call for service
How the Electronic Alert
and Diagnostic System Works.
The word NORMAL islighted
except when a failure has
been detected
The SYSTEM CHECK-RESET If ............
has two functions: It
1. You can touch the SYSTEM SYSTEM
CHECK-RESETpad and geta CHECK Jl
review of the electronic diagnostic
codes inorder of their priority° -il
2.You can touch the SYSTEM CHECK-RESET pad to
erase three flashing codes immediately and two codes
after the condition that caused them to flash has been
corrected (see the next page),
lcontinued next page,_