Once Your lcemaker & Dispenser
are in Operation
Throw away thefirst few batches of ice cubes ( 16 or 24
cubes) Thiswill flush away any impurities inthewater line
Do the same thing after vacations or extended periods when
ice isn't used.
Toclean out the line, pour the firstsix glassfuls of water in the
kitchen sink Thefirst water through the systempicks up a
slight "plastic" taste from the water tubing
To make sure the bin fills with ice, level the cubes
occasionally. When cubes fall into the bin they may pile up
close to the icemaker and pushthe feeler arm to the STOP
position before the bin gets futl Keeping the cubes level
allows the icemaker to fill the bin_
Under certain rare circumstances, icecubes may be
discolored, usually appearing with a greenbluish color
Thecause of this unusual discoloration isapparently due
toa combination of factors such as certain characteristics
of Iocat waters, househoJdplumbing and the
accumulation of copper saltsin an inactive water supply
line which feeds the icemaker Continued consumption of
such discolored ice cubes may be injurious to health_If
such discoloration is observed, discard the ice cubes and
contact your SearsService Center
To Dispense ice and Water
• SelectCUBES, CRUSHED tCE (on somemodels)
• Grip the glass or other container near the rim and press
the rim against the center of the dispenser pad
When Dispensing Ice:
• Some crushed ice may be
dispensed even though you
selected CUBES This happens
occasionally when a few cubes
get channeled to the crusher
• Sometimes a mound of snow will
form on the door inthe ice chute
This condition is normal, and usually occurs when you
have dispensed crushed icerepeatedIy The snow will
eventually evaporate.
When Dispensing Water:
° Thefirst glass of water dispensed
may be warmer than the following
ones Thisis normal
° Dispensed water iscool, not iced
Forcalder water, simply add
crushed ice or cubes before
dispensing water
CAUTION: Never put fingers or other obiects into the
dispenser opening
To Stop Dispensing
Release pressure kom the dispenser
pad and wait a few seconds to catch
the Lastbits of ice or drops af water
There may be some dripping after
dispensing of crushed ice or water_ If
there isa lot of dripping, thespill
should be wiped dry right away_ Do
not pour water in the spill shelf
because it is not self draining-pour it in the kitchen sink.The
shelf and itsgrille should be cleaned regularly Presshere to
according to Care and C[eaning instructions, removegrifJ
The grille is easily removed by
pressing on the back right corner
if Ice Clumps Form in the Storage Bin._
The icemaker ejects cubes ingroups of eight, and itis
normal for several cubes to be joined together However, if
you don't usethe ice very often ice clumps may form in the
storage bin and can clog the dispenser If this happens:
° Removethe storage bin from the freezer
• Break up ice dumps,wilh your hands Throw away any
dumps that you can tbreak up
° Replace the bin before the remaining cubes melt and fuse
To Remove Ice Storage Bin
Liftthe le[t corner to free the bin from
the sheff Pullthe bin straight out while
supporting itat front and back
To Replace Ice Storage Bin
Slide the bin back until the tab on the
bin locks into thesbt inthe she_f
If thebin does not go o!1the way back,
remove itand turn the drive mechanism
t/4 turn Then push thebin back again
until thetab onthe bin locks into the
slot in the shelf
tf Ice Is Not Used Offend..
"Old" ice cubes will become cloudy and taste stale_Empb/
ice storage bin periodically and wash it in bkewarm water
Be sureto allow storage bin to cool before replacing it-
otherwise ice cubes will stick to the meta_auger
Move Feeler Arm to STOP(up) Position when°°
° Home water supply isto be turned off for several hours..
•, Ice storage bin is to be removed for a period of time
o Going away on vacation, at which time you should also
turnoff thevalve in thewater supply line toyour refrigerator