Character/Act Select
Both players select which character to use. Note that
the same character cannot be used by both players.
Next, Player 1 selects the Zone/Act to play the Battle.
Note that you can only select the Zones/Acts that are
completed in the Gameplay Mode by either player.
Game Rule
Two players will compete against each other in the selected Act. Each
player can obstruct the opponent's play directly or with the use of an
item. The first player to finish the Act is the winner. The game will end in
a draw if neither player finishes before the time limit expires.
Battle Play Screen
Unlike in the Gameplay mode, you will only
use one of the screens, as the other screen
will display the opponent (with characters in
icons). Press SELECT to switch the display to
use (by default, your character will be dis-
played on the top screen).
1Number of Rings Collected
●2Time Counter
Elapsed Time from the start.
●3Tension Gauge
●4Your position in the race
Top Screen Touch Screen
It is possible to attack and blow away your opponent. In this case, the
player attacked will not lose his/her rings.
● Obstructing Your Opponent Directly
There are no number of lives in this mode. You will automatically restart
from the beginning (or from the Check Point), whenever you fall into a
situation where you would lose a life in the Gameplay Mode.
● Restarting
Touch Screen Touch Screen
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