L Button
+Control Pad
Touch Screen
Top Screen
Power Button
R Button
X Button
Y Button
A Button
B Button
This game mainly
uses the +Control Pad
and the buttons to
play. The stylus has a
limited use in this
Touch Screen
All selectable items (Menus, Character Select, etc.) are
displayed on the Touch Screen. Use the +Control Pad
to select the Menu item and press the A Button, or
simply touch the Menu item with the Nintendo DS™
Stylus to enter (or execute).
To cancel or go back one step, either press the B Button or touch
the Return Icon (see right) displayed on the Touch Screen.
Menu Controls
Touch Screen
Some menus contain arrows displayed next to the
menu item. If you use the stylus, touch either of the
arrows to change the selection, and touch the Menu
item to enter.
Normal Actions
Press the +Control Pad D/F to walk, and keep holding in
one direction to gain more speed. Quickly press the opposite
direction to brake your dash.
Top Screen
Touch Screen
Hold down the +Control Pad A/S while standing
still to vertically scroll the screen and view what’s
immediately above or underneath depending on
which screen you are in. If your character is in the top
screen, you may only scroll up, and vice versa.
Press START to pause the game. Depending on the mode and situation,
pausing may bring up a Pause Menu. This will be explained separately.
Note that pausing is not possible in Battle Play (p.27).
Scroll Screen
+Control Pad A/S
Walk/Run & Brake
+Control Pad D/F
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