High Performance Two Port 10/100 Managed Ethernet Switch with 32-Bit Non-PCI CPU Interface
SMSC LAN9312 165 Revision 1.4 (08-19-08)
The various LED indication functions shown in Table 13.1 are described below:
TX Port 0 - The signal is pulsed low for 80mS to indicate activity from the switch fabric to the Host
MAC. This signal is then driven high for a minimum of 80mS, after which the process will repeat if
TX activity is again detected.
RX Port 0 - The signal is pulsed low for 80mS to indicate activity from the Host MAC to the switch
fabric. This signal is then driven high for a minimum of 80mS, after which the process will repeat
if RX activity is again detected.
Link / Activity - A steady low output indicates that the port has a valid link, while a steady high
indicates no link on the port. The signal is pulsed high for 80mS to indicate transmit or receive
activity on the port. The signal is then driven low for a minimum of 80mS, after which the process
will repeat if RX or TX activity is again detected.
Full-duplex / Collision - A steady low output indicates the port is in full-duplex mode, while a
steady high indicates no link on the port. In half-duplex mode, the signal is pulsed low for 80mS
to indicate a network collision. The signal is then driven high for a minimum of 80mS, after which
the process will repeat if another collision is detected.
Speed - A steady low output indicates the selected speed is 100Mbps. A steady high output
indicates the selected speed is 10Mbps. The signal will be held high if the port does not have a
valid link.
100Link / Activity - A steady low output indicates the port has a valid link and the speed is
100Mbps. The signal is pulsed high for 80mS to indicate TX or RX activity on the port. The signal
is then driven low for a minimum of 80mS, after which the process will repeat if RX or TX activity
is again detected. The signal will be held high if the port does not have a valid link.
10Link / Activity - A steady low output indicates the port has a valid link and the speed is 10Mbps.
The signal is pulsed high for 80mS to indicate transmit or receive activity on the port. The signal
is then driven low for a minimum of 80mS, after which the process will repeat if RX or TX activity
is again detected. This signal will be held high if the port does not have a valid link.
Activity - The signal is pulsed low for 80mS to indicate transmit or receive activity. The signal is
then driven high for a minimum of 80mS, after which the process will repeat if RX or TX activity is
again detected. The signal will be held high if the port does not have a valid link.
Link - A steady low indicates the port has a valid link.
TXEN Port 0 - Non-stretched TXEN signal from the switch fabric to the Host MAC.
RXDV Port 0 - Non-stretched RXDV signal from the Host MAC to the switch fabric.
TXEN - Non-stretched TXEN signal from the switch fabric to the PHY.
RXDV - Non-stretched RXDV signal from the PHY to the switch fabric.
Full-duplex / Collision
Port 1
Full-duplex / Collision
Port 1
Full-duplex / Collision
Port 1
Port 1
Port 1
10Link / Activity
Port 1
Port 1
Port 1
Table 13.1 LED Operation as a Function of LED_CFG[9:8] (continued)
LED_CFG[9:8] (LED_FUN[1:0])