High Performance Two Port 10/100 Managed Ethernet Switch with 32-Bit Non-PCI CPU Interface
SMSC LAN9312 17 Revision 1.4 (08-19-08)
MII Media Independent Interface
MIIM Media Independent Interface Management
MIL MAC Interface Layer
MLD Multicast Listening Discovery
MLT-3 Multi-Level Transmission Encoding (3-Levels). A tri-level encoding method
where a change in the logic level represents a code bit “1” and the logic
output remaining at the same level represents a code bit “0”.
msb Most Significant Bit
MSB Most Significant Byte
NRZI Non Return to Zero Inverted. This encoding method inverts the signal for a
“1” and leaves the signal unchanged for a “0”
N/A Not Applicable
NC No Connect
OUI Organizationally Unique Identifier
Outbound Refers to data output from the LAN9312 to the host
PIO cycle Program I/O cycle. An SRAM-like read or write cycle on the HBI.
PISO Parallel In Serial Out
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PTP Precision Time Protocol
RESERVED Refers to a reserved bit field or address. Unless otherwise noted, reserved
bits must always be zero for write operations. Unless otherwise noted, values
are not guaranteed when reading reserved bits. Unless otherwise noted, do
not read or write to reserved addresses.
RTC Real-Time Clock
SA Source Address
SFD Start of Frame Delimiter - The 8-bit value indicating the end of the preamble
of an Ethernet frame.
SIPO Serial In Parallel Out
SMI Serial Management Interface
SQE Signal Quality Error (also known as “heartbeat”)
SSD Start of Stream Delimiter
UDP User Datagram Protocol - A connectionless protocol run on top of IP
UUID Universally Unique IDentifier
WORD 16-bits