High Speed Inter-Chip USB 2.0 Hub and Flash Media Controller
SMSC USB4640/USB4640i 21 Revision 1.0 (06-01-09)
6.2 Buffer Type Descriptions
Table 6.2 USB4640/USB4640i Buffer Type Descriptions
I Input.
I/O Input/output.
IPU Input with weak internal pull-up.
IS Input with Schmitt trigger.
I/O6 Input/output buffer with 6 mA sink and 6 mA source.
I/OD6PU Input/open drain output buffer with a 6 mA sink.
O8 Output buffer with an 8 mA sink and an 8 mA source.
O8PD Output buffer with an 8 mA sink and an 8 mA source with a weak internal pull-down resistor.
O8PU Output buffer with an 8 mA sink and an 8 mA source with a weak internal pull-up resistor.
I/O8 Input/output buffer with an 8 mA sink and an 8 mA source.
I/O8PD Input/output buffer with an 8 mA sink and an 8 mA source with a weak internal pull-down resistor.
I/O8PU Input/output buffer with an 8 mA sink and an 8 mA source with a weak internal pull-up resistor.
O12 Output buffer with a 12 mA sink and a 12 mA source.
I/O12 Input/output buffer with 12 mA sink and 12 mA source.
I/O12PD Input/output buffer with 12 mA sink and 12 mA source with a weak internal pull-down resistor.
I/O200 Input/output buffer 12 mA with FET disabled, 100/200 mA source only when the FET is enabled.
ICLKx XTAL clock input.
OCLKx XTAL clock output.
I/O-U Analog input/output as defined in the USB 2.0 Specification.