High Speed Inter-Chip USB 2.0 Hub and Flash Media Controller
SMSC USB4640/USB4640i 43 Revision 1.0 (06-01-09)
DATASHEET E7h: Non-Removable Device
3 PRTMAP_EN Port Mapping Enable: Selects the method used by the hub to assign port
numbers and disable ports.
‘0’ = Standard Mode. Strap options or the following registers are used to
define which ports are enabled, and the ports are mapped as port ‘n’ on the
hub is reported as port ‘n’ to the host, unless one of the ports is disabled,
then the higher numbered ports are remapped in order to report contiguous
port numbers to the host.
Register 300Ah: Port disable for self-powered operation (Reset = 0x00).
Register 300Bh: Port disable for bus-powered operation (Reset = 0x00).
‘1’ = Port Map mode. The mode enables remapping via the registers defined
Register 30FBh: Port Map 12 (Reset = 0x00)
Register 30FCh: Port Map 3 (Reset = 0x00)
2:0 Reserved Reserved
7:0 NR_DEVICE Indicates which port(s) include non-removable devices.
‘0’ = Port is removable
‘1’ = Port is non-removable
Informs the host if one of the active ports has a permanent device that is
undetachable from the hub. The device must provide its own descriptor data.
When using the internal default option, the NON_REM[1:0] pins will
designate the appropriate ports as being non-removable.
Bit 7= Reserved
Bit 6= Reserved
Bit 5= Reserved
Bit 4= Reserved
Bit 3= Controls physical port 3
Bit 2= Controls physical port 2
Bit 1= Controls physical port 1
Bit 0= Reserved
Note: Bit 1 must be set to a ‘1’ by the firmware for proper identification of
the card reader as a non-removable device.