GP Series Portable Chillers Chapter 4: Operation 41 of 90
4-4 Access Levels
The controller is setup to allow access to three distinct password groups: operator, supervisor,
and service. Operator access allows the user to modify the Leaving Water Temp, Hi Temp
Warning, and Hi Temp Fault setpoints. Supervisor access allows the supervisor to modify the
above plus
Selecting any of the menus in the Menu Screen will display the Password Screen.
4-5 Controller Setpoints
Variable Description
Chilled Fluid SP Temperature of chilled fluid out to process x x
Chil Hi Temp Wrn
Setpoint for alarm to warn when chilled leaving fluid
x x
Chil Hi Temp Flt
Setpoint to shut down pump and compressor based
on leaving fluid temperature
x x
Process SP Temperature of tempered fluid out to process x x
Proc Hi Temp Wrn
Setpoint for alarm to warn when tempered leaving
fluid temperature is too high
x x
Proc Hi Temp Flt
Setpoint for alarm to warn when tempered leaving
fluid temperature is too high
x x
Proc Low Temp Wrn
Setpoint for alarm to warn when tempered leaving
fluid temperature is too low
x x
Proc Low Temp Flt
Setpoint for alarm to warn when tempered leaving
fluid temperature is too low
x x
Cooling Enabled Refrigeration system allowed to operate x
Heating Enabled
Optional Process temperature heater allowed to
Fluid Freeze Point
Lowest temperature fluid will operate without
freezing. Below 32°F (0°C) glycol must be added.
Forces lowest Chilled fluid setpoint to be 13°F (7°C)
Chill On Diff
Temperature difference above chilled fluid setpoint
before compressor turns on
Chill Off Diff
Temperature difference below chilled fluid setpoint
before compressor turns off
Proc On Diff
Temperature difference below process setpoint
before process heater turns on
Proc Off Diff
Temperature difference above process setpoint
before process heater turns off
Proc Hi Temp Dly
Time (in seconds) Process High Temperature alarm
is ignored before activating