Server Output Data Format
This chapter describes the format of the data that is output from the Sun
MediaCenter Server. It also tells you how to specify output data encapsulation for
the Media Stream Manager Client API. This API is covered in the Sun MediaCenter
Server Programmer’s Guide.
7.1 Introduction
The Sun MediaCenter server transmits data to the client using the “push” model,
that is, data is pushed to the clients without any flow control. The transmitted data
is metered out by the server so that it conforms to the time-critical characteristics of
its encoding. The control of the data—what to send, when to send it, and where to
send it to—is carried out by the server’s Media Stream Manager (MSM), described in
the Sun MediaCenter Server Programmer’s Guide. The encoding of the data that are
input to the server is described in Chapter 2. The movement of video data is
Introduction page 7-1
ATM Encapsulation page 7-2
ATM Addressing page 7-4
Fast Ethernet Encapsulation page 7-5
Fast Ethernet Addressing page 7-7
Specifying Encapsulation page 7-8
Differences Among Different Types of Links page 7-9
References page 7-9