8-2 Sun MediaCenter Server Administrator’s Guide • December 1997
You can also use the Solstice Domain Manager (or other SNMP-conformant
program) to monitor the Media File System (MFS) disks. The SNMP agent for the
Sun MediaCenter server, sms-vod, has an SNMP trap, Disk_Failure, that allows
for automatic notification when a disk failure occurs. This trap is particularly
significant if a disk failure is followed by a reboot of the server. If this occurs, your
SNMP manager retains a record of the disk failure, while on the server, notification
does not persist across a reboot (see note on page 8-12). You can also create an event
request that will report when user-specified thresholds are met or exceeded for
certain attributes. See Appendix A for discussion of the attributes of the video server
MIB, as well as instructions for enabling trap handling in Domain Manager.
8.2 MFS Utilities
This section describes MFS utilities that you can use to display information about
the MFS, create an MFS, or write data to a new data disk in the MFS.
TABLE 8-1 lists
these utilities.
If you install Sun MediaCenter software in the default location (/opt/SUNWsms), the
path to the MFS command-line utilities is /opt/SUNWsms/bin. The exception to
this is mkmfs, which requires a path of /opt/SUNWsms/mfs/bin.
8.2.1 mfs df
The MFS’s mfs df utility is analogous to the Unix file system df (1B) utility. mfs df
displays the amount of disk space occupied by currently-mounted MFS file system,
the amount of used and available space, and how much of the file system’s total
capacity has been used. By default, the MFS’s df utility reports space in increments
of 64K blocks. With the -k option, mfs df reports space in kilobytes.
TABLE 8-1 MFS Utilities
Command Function
mfs df Displays disk information for the currently-mounted MFS.
mfs diskusg Displays disk usage for a specified MPEG file.
mfs repair Writes data onto a new data disk after failure of a data disk.
mkmfs Creates the MFS. You need to invoke this utility only if you
reconfigure the data and parity disks that make up an MFS.