Index 178 Sun Enterprise 220R Server Owner’s Guide • October 1999
See also Ethernet
ATM, 2
configuring interface, 16
FDDI, 2, 46
name server, 51
primary interface, 48
setting default net device, 60
token ring, 2, 46
troubleshooting, 147
types, 16
nvalias command, 60
nvedit command, 148
nvstore command, 148
OBDiag (OpenBoot Diagnostics), 126 to 131
configuration variables, 128
error reporting, 126
how to use, 129 to 130
interactive menu, 127
overview, 126
online documentation, 17
OpenBoot firmware, 40
OpenBoot PROM variables
boot-device, 40, 60
diag-level, 128, 131
diag-switch?, 121, 129
operating system software
installing, 16
loading over a network, 57, 60
options, installing, 14
parallel port, 3
characteristics, 80
location, 6
pin and signal specifications, 165
parity, 3, 30, 62, 72
shipped to you, 12
PCI (peripheral component interconnect) buses, 2,
68 to 69
configuration guidelines, 68 to 69
parity protection, 62
slot characteristics, 69
PCI (peripheral component interconnect) card
configuration guidelines, 68 to 69
device name, 41
frame buffer card, 31
host adapters, 2
slot characteristics, 69
slot locations, 6, 69
peripheral component interconnect, See PCI card,
PCI buses
pkgadd utility, 134
pkginfo command, 134
POST diagnostics
error reporting, 124, 139
how to use, 121, 125
overview, 120
setting the diagnostics level, 131
LED indicator, 9
turning off, 43
turning on, 34
power cord, AC, when to disconnect, 90
power supply, 5
configuration guidelines, 76
default, 5
display, 5
hot swap capability, 3, 64, 77
output capacity, 76
redundancy, 3, 64, 76
troubleshooting, 152
power supply LEDs, 138, 141
power-on self-test, See POST diagnostics
pre-POST preparation
setting up tip connection, 121
verifying baud rate, 123
probe-scsi command, 145, 151
probe-scsi-all command, 151
prtdiag command, 143
RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), See
disk configuration
reconfiguration boot, 98
reliability, availability, and serviceability, 62 to 65
removable media assembly
configuration, 84 to 87
reset command, 41